Just some quick information...
It's really easy, complete the online form and after send it. In a few days we will review your information and we will let you know if we have accepted your request.
We are so sorry but you can check your submission status, once verified we will send you an email with all information...
You can't cancel the request until we don't start the review process. If you want to cancel the request before we start to review your information, you can send an email to: request@bewoork.com
You need to send an email to request@bewoork.com and specify which information you need to change, once received the email we will check the new information and we will provide to change it on our platform.
As for other requests, you need to send an email to request@bewoork.com , and specify your company name, your legal Name and Surname, and the reason why you need to remove your company. After we will process your removal request and we will let you know. Once approved it will be removed in 7 days.
For your security we will send you email, by the following list:
- For requests reply: request@bewoork.com
- For marketing email : no-reply@bewoork.com
If you receive any email that doesn't match the ones listed above, you can move it to the trash...